Friday, June 18, 2010

Save your suits!!!

Many men take their suits to the cleaners after a few wears and have them dry-cleaned. Frequent trips to the dry cleaners for your suits and sport coats (garments made from wool and other natural fibers) will break down the fibers in the cloth drastically shortening the life of a garment.

Why: Dry-cleaning involves the use of chemicals to steam clean the garment. It is much better to get them spot cleaned when needed. As in the soiled spot is cleaned and the rest of the garment is not. In addition to a spot or two men often take their garments to get cleaned when they only need a press.

Just get a press!! If the garment is severely wrinkled and will not get it shape back after hanging for a few days then take it to the cleaners to get pressed only!! Natural fibers need time to breathe after a wear so hang them up and let them breathe. This will help with odors and wrinkles. A solid rotation will help out with this. Remember that for everyday a week you wear a suit you should have at least twice that many suits thus a man wearing suits 4 days a week should have at least 8 suits. This allows each ample time to breathe and regain shape!

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Word of The Day.....

-noun-type of shoe containing decorative perforations often with a wing tip