Saturday, April 17, 2010

Three is better than two!!

I just delivered a magnificent grey windowpane suit and the fit was spectacular.
Suit by Astor & Black

 But even more impressive than the fit is the versatility of the 3 piece suit!!
The addition of the vest allows you to be a bit cooler on hot summer days (going without the jacket) and a bit warmer in the winter months.   The vest can also be worn with jeans to go out to a nice club or dinner.  Now that there is a couple things to do with it you can also go with out it to make your suit more versatile.  That is 3 out fits in one!!!  Staying to simpler patterns also increases the versatility by allowing you to wear the vest with other fabrics.  This simple grey with a faint tan windowpane vest would look great under a navy jacket.  Now you just need to go out and get a vest and explore the possibilities!

1 comment:

  1. So you believe that one can wear a belt with a vest?


Word of The Day.....

-noun-type of shoe containing decorative perforations often with a wing tip