Saturday, April 17, 2010

Three is better than two!!

I just delivered a magnificent grey windowpane suit and the fit was spectacular.
Suit by Astor & Black

 But even more impressive than the fit is the versatility of the 3 piece suit!!
The addition of the vest allows you to be a bit cooler on hot summer days (going without the jacket) and a bit warmer in the winter months.   The vest can also be worn with jeans to go out to a nice club or dinner.  Now that there is a couple things to do with it you can also go with out it to make your suit more versatile.  That is 3 out fits in one!!!  Staying to simpler patterns also increases the versatility by allowing you to wear the vest with other fabrics.  This simple grey with a faint tan windowpane vest would look great under a navy jacket.  Now you just need to go out and get a vest and explore the possibilities!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feet are not squares thus your shoes shouldn't be either!!

Shoes are meant to contour ones foot, an extension if you will.  I have yet to see a square foot to accommodate the over worn square toe shoe.  Square toed shoes had a short lived fad of a life over a decade ago.  They should stay there!!

While on the topic of shoes, go out and get a new pair!  Get a few pair of high quality shoes that are constructed to last.  The way the majority of rubber soled shoes today will not cut it.  A man needs at least a couple pairs to rotate to let the leather breathe after wearing.  Wearing the same pair of leather kicks day in and day out will brake them down very quickly and you won't get your money out of them.  So alternate a few pairs and put cedar shoe trees in them when they're not on your feet and always use a shoe horn when putting them on.

Occasionally a shoe  needs to be polished and conditioned.  This will keep them looking new and make the leather last longer.  Along with a good polish, solid leather soles do wear out over time, but can be resoled at just about any quality cobbler around.

Word of The Day.....

-noun-type of shoe containing decorative perforations often with a wing tip